Facts and Figures

About Young Life

Young Life at a Glance

Young Life ​is a global organization committed to bringing hope and purpose to young people around the world. In the Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) Region, serving Albania, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, North Macedonia, Poland and Romania, over 950 kids are involved in our weekly clubs and bible studies. More than 3,000 young people are impacted by our ministry every year.

In North Macedonia the official organisation was registered in 2021, however the beginnings of work with students attending camps in the region began in 2013.


The Beginning of Young life

In a town in Texas, a young leader named Jim Rayburn began showing young people how much God cares about them by showing up in their world and sharing the message of God's love through Jesus in ways and words they could understand and relate to.


Countries with young life staff and leaders

Today, Young Life is a global organization with local focus. You'll find Young Life leaders from diverse cultures, nationalities and backgrounds in over 100 countries around the world. ​

2 million

Young people reached by young life leaders

Whether it's in cities or villages, towns or apartment blocks, in countries on every continent, Young Life leaders are working with over 2 million young people, right in their own neighbourhoods.


Kids involved weekly

Since 1941, Young Life leaders have walked with kids and earned the right to be heard in an exhausting and exciting world. In 2018, 348,000 kids were involved every week all around the world.

Our Work

Young Life ​is a relational ministry. ​ We walk alongside teens in the CEE Region throughout their lives. We rejoice in their triumphs and stand by them in their hardships, all in effort to show them the love of Christ.

We build friendships. ​ We care for kids by meeting them where they are and as they are – in their schools and neighbourhoods, at their soccer games, or wherever kids hang out. We call this “contact work”, and it’s at the heart of our ministry. Young Life leaders simply show up and begin a friendship with one of the over 8 million young people in the CEE Region.

Club is a place to be welcomed. Young Life club is a ‘party with a purpose’. Clubs are held weekly in a central location within a neighbourhood or city. It’s a place for kids to be known, to have life-giving fun, play games, sing songs, and perhaps hear for the first time about Jesus and His love for them.

Discipleship group is a place to grow. ​​ Every club and neighbourhood either have a weekly group meeting or one-on-one discipling friendships to help kids who want to learn more about Jesus or grow in their faith. It’s a time in God’s word, a time to ask questions, and a time for God to be raising some of them up to be leaders themselves in their communities. They are also encouraged to be involved in their local church.

Camp is a place of transformation. ​ Many kids decide to spend a week or 3 days with their leader at camp. For some, it is the first time they have left their neighbourhood. Camp is indescribably good- good food, games, singing and dancing and laughter. It is here that they also hear the gospel story and in more depth about their Saviour Jesus Christ and his love for them. It is a time of radical transformation for many kids as they encounter Jesus and their lives are forever changed.

Adults Who Care — Committee. ​ Young Life is making a difference in the lives of kids around the world because we are supported by adults who care about kids in their community.

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